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Geriatric Clinics


Geriatric Clinics

Our geriatric clinics are run and managed by experienced veterinary surgeons who will support you with identification of all your pet needs to live a happy, pain free life.


The main goal of our geriatric clinics is to provide our furry friends carefree and pain free life.


Geriatric clinics are run independently from our other services and we offer bespoke treatment options tailored to your pet’s needs.


For example, some pets benefit from stronger analgesia where others will benefit more from hydrotherapy and milder analgesia.


After initial consultation and identification of your pet’s needs, we will agree a treatment and follow-up plan.


We are able to offer referrals to hydrotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapies and other specialist/complementary treatments as indicated.


If your pet requires long-term medications or monthly pain relief injections we will take care of these - we know how stressful and difficult it can be to take your pet to the vets every month. Instead, we come to your place to provide everything your pet needs at a truly competitive price.


We are also able to help patients who would benefit from other quality of life improvements such as working towards better appetite, weight gain, maintaining correct hydration status or vitamin supplementations.


If your pet suffers from a chronic medical condition, battles cancer or has other complicated conditions we can support with top European specialist advice from many veterinary medicine disciplines.


If your pet would benefit from a visit to a specialist, we are able to help arrange this free of charge.

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