Flea And Worm Check Ups
We offer yearly flea and worm checks for your pets.
Every flea and worm check-up will be performed by an experienced veterinary surgeon and includes in-depth clinical examination.
Our vet will discuss with you your pet’s lifestyle and, based on risk management, you will be advised about the most suitable option(s) for your pet needs.
Thereafter we provide you with a supply of flea and wormer products of your choice.
This can be done as a physical supply of medication or as a written prescription.
Please note that as of 12th January 2024, prescription flea and wormers will fall under new legislation.
To prescribe these products the pet must have been seen by the vet, who then determines what drugs they are permitted to have. While repeat prescriptions are then permitted, if for any reason the client or the vet want to change to a different medication, a new visit and a new recorded prescription on the patient’s records will be required.
As your pet grows, or if they gain weight such that they fall into new flea and wormer size, they will be required to be seen again by the vet.
We can assure you as truly and fully independent business we are committed to making these transitions as smooth and easy as possible.
Multiple pet discounts apply.